Academic Planner

Using 2022 planner can change how you approach your day, stay on track, and reach your goals. They're easy to use once you get the hang of charting out your day. Ready to get started and see results from your organizational efforts? Here's how to use your 2022 planner as part of your strategy for success.

Block out Time

Even if you love using your 2022 Planner, setting aside the time to keep up with planning can be challenging.

Block out time every day to make quick updates to your planner, or set aside a few hours to chart out months worth of tasks and goals. Pour a coffee or wine, listen to your favorite music, and get comfortable to turn your planning activity into a satisfying experience.

Piggyback on an Existing Habit

If you're struggling to block out time to update your planner, try piggybacking your task onto an existing habit. For example, when you unpack your bag at work every day, pull out your planner last and take time to update it.

Another idea is to update your planner before you head to lunch, when you get up for a water break, or when you pour your first cup of coffee. The more you associate updating your planner with an existing habit, the easier it is to stay on top of your organization and goals.

Set Obtainable Goals

Setting big goals is exciting but can also feel daunting once the gravity of how much work is in front of you. Each step can serve as a mini-goal that reaches a larger one. It's also essential not to get impatient and want to rush towards the end goal. 

But even the process of writing down your goals is significant. Research shows that people are 42% more likely to achieve their goals and dreams simply by writing them down.

The progress in goal setting is just as significant as the results. Take time to appreciate your progress, the process, and how far you've come during each step.

Prioritize High-Impact Activities

Your 2022 planner is a powerful tool to stay on track and propel your goals forward. But how you organize those activities will influence how quickly you reach your goals. Start by prioritizing actions that will impact your goals, but remember to break them down into achievable steps as needed.

Splurge on Extras

Remember that using an 2022 Planner can be fun and empower your life to stay organized and on top of your goals. Splurge on colorful pens, stationery stickers, magnetic bookmarks, clips, and embellishes to turn it into a visually rewarding experience. 

Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Working towards your goals, checking off tasks, and continuously updating your planner are all accomplishments worthy of being celebrated. Take a moment to acknowledge your achievements and progress. Indulge in a fancy cup of coffee, schedule a lunch with a friend, or take a long walk to relax and unwind.

Change Your Mindset

Getting your life organized and reaching your goals are empowering and satisfying experiences. Instead of approaching your 2022 planner as a chore, change your mindset and embrace it as a resource for success. The more you consider your 2022 planner a tool, the more rewarding it is to use.

Next Steps

Ready to make the most of your 2022 planner? Shop our Paper & Plan Co. collection now to organize your day with efficiency and style.

October 25, 2021