How to Organize Your Side Hustle and Succeed
If you’re like most people, you have something you’re passionate about. And if you’re motivated by it to make a living from it, you might start small with a side hustle. But running a side hustle is no easy feat, especially if you’re choosing to keep your day job for a reliable income. In this blog, we’ll share some tips about how you can keep your side hustle organized so you can succeed!
What Is a Side Hustle?
A side hustle is another job people do to make money outside of their day job. This might be a passion people pursue but continue to want the safety their day job provides. Or maybe someone needs extra cash or saving for a rainy day. Side hustles can range from making a couple of extra hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars a month. The 10 most popular side hustles are:
- Selling products online
- Starting a wholesale business
- Freelancing
- Being an affiliate marketer
- Print on demand to sell custom artwork
- Run a blog
- Sell information products
- Be an Instagram Influencer
- Work as a virtual assistant
- Become a photographer
Whether you choose one of those side hustles or another, we have a few tips for how to keep your side hustler organized.
Think Long-Term and Prepare for the Long Haul
Your side hustle won’t be successful if you don’t prepare for the long haul by planning long-term. Having a successful side hustle requires determination, persistence, and consistency. A side hustle is an investment not just in your wallet, but also in your time. Side hustles require hours that could be spent with friends and family, so it’s important to stay focused.
This is where a planner can come in handy. With your planner, you can schedule out time for your side hustle every day, week, and month. The calendar feature will help you think long-term and prepare for the long haul. A yearly planner helps you plan long in advance, which is exactly what you need for a successful side hustle. Scheduling in advance requires less effort and instead reinforced positive triggers and routines to help you stay disciplined. It’s recommended to keep the same schedule so you know when to prepare to work on your side hustle. This can be in the morning before work (which makes it easier to be productive) or in the evening after work. Find what time works best for you and schedule it in your calendar!
Schedule your time for the rest of 2022 and for 2023 with our 2023 planners!
Define Your Goals
When planning out your side hustle, you need to have clearly defined goals. Goals will not only inspire you, but they’re also good metrics. Good clear goals help you measure your progress and success with your side hustle. But to go big, you need to start small. Having small, practical goals that you reach quickly will increase your motivation. Remember SMART goals from school? If not, we’ll remind you!
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Achievable
R - Relevant
T - Time-bound
Your handy dandy planner can help you track and keep your goals. With the calendar feature, you can set goals for the whole year. You can even set daily goals to boost your motivation. Some examples of daily goals include:
- Send X many emails
- Write X amount of words
- Talk to X amount of people

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Set Milestones To Force You to Succeed
If you’re someone who needs pressure in order to get things done, then this tip is for you! A good side hustle needs a plan, but the planning shouldn’t take all the time. You need to have a plan that will force you to launch. You don’t want to waste time and money by continuing to keep tweaking your plan to prevent you from launching.
To avoid getting stuck in a constant editing cycle, set goals and milestones to guide you from start to finish. Sticking to your milestones will help your side hustle succeed while keeping your motivation high. Other ways to help you launch your side hustle is to tell friends and family to help keep you accountable. Your planner can also work in coordination to help keep you accountable. Like the calendar feature we’ve mentioned so many times, it’s great for tracking your goals and holding you accountable.

Our 2022-2023 Paper Planes Planner Bundle will keep you accountable for the rest of the year and through 2023! The planner starts on July 1st, 2022 and goes until June 30th, 2023. The bundle also includes 3pack of pens, white jolts and jolts notebook, and balck magnetic bookmark.
Delegate Work Not in Your Skillset
In order to truly succeed in any aspect of life, you need to know your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing your strengths means you can specialize in them and monetize them. Meanwhile, your weaknesses or things you don’t have time for like administrative work, should be outsourced. It will save you time and money since you’re not doing everything yourself. Outsourcing will let you use your time to focus on what you are good at, and get better at it.
Utilizing your planner will help you keep in touch with your outsourcing partners. Your planner has a notes section that you can dedicate to keeping track of your contacts. Buy your planner today!
Don’t Lose Your Day Job
A side hustle is a side hustle because you still have your safe and reliable day job from 9 am to 5 pm. Until you have success with your side hustle and a consistent stream of customers, don’t leave your day job yet. Working on your side hustle is exciting and might take some hours away from your day job. But it’s important to maintain your integrity while still working your day job. This means not using company time to work on your side hustle or using company resources. Also don’t compromise your quality of work at your day job, causing you to get fired.
Your planner can help you keep track of your day job and side hustle. From to-do lists to scheduling time in the day and setting goals for each job. If you’re the ultimate planner, it could be beneficial to have two planners: one for your day job and one for your side hustle. This way you can keep both jobs separate and it can be easier to manage.
At Paper & Plan Co., we value personal accountability, having fun and thinking big, and promoting a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. We pride ourselves in creating products to help our customers live out those goals too. Buy your planner today to start your side hustle!