Get Organized with Five Tips for 2021
5 tips to step into 2021:
1) Inventory your day. How are your spending your time? Where are you wasting time & how could you be more productive?
2) Plan time for you. Make it an appointment with yourself. Every Thursday is my “dungeon day”; I take no meetings, calls or appointments and focus on my work and back office type items then the rest of the day is mine to spend as I wish.
3) Create a vision board: physical or digital include short and long term goals.
4) Learn the art of saying “No”. Saying no to things that don’t align with you, your goals or simply don’t light you up- gracefully say no. By saying no, you’re saying “yes” to more that will help you feel fulfilled, closer to your goals and more sense of peace.
5) Make a book list. These books should be something that will expand your mind in any way- self development, spiritual, mindset, etc. We are like plants growing and reading is the fertilizer to our brains.
1) Inventory your day. How are your spending your time? Where are you wasting time & how could you be more productive?
2) Plan time for you. Make it an appointment with yourself. Every Thursday is my “dungeon day”; I take no meetings, calls or appointments and focus on my work and back office type items then the rest of the day is mine to spend as I wish.
3) Create a vision board: physical or digital include short and long term goals.
4) Learn the art of saying “No”. Saying no to things that don’t align with you, your goals or simply don’t light you up- gracefully say no. By saying no, you’re saying “yes” to more that will help you feel fulfilled, closer to your goals and more sense of peace.
5) Make a book list. These books should be something that will expand your mind in any way- self development, spiritual, mindset, etc. We are like plants growing and reading is the fertilizer to our brains.