Clutter Stifles Clarity
Imagine driving through fog so thick you can hardly see in front of you. You clench the wheel to stay on course, eyes wide and see nothing else except the fog in front of you.
Now imagine driving that same road on a beautiful clear day. You can see all around you, you’re relaxed but alert and have a sense of peace and calmness knowing you’ll get to where you’re going.
The same is true with clutter in your life. The clutter is the fog you’re unable to see through and can stop you before you even get started. The clarity we all seek is the beautiful day that we know we can tackle anything that comes our way.
Create a life, home & workspace of clarity 🖤
Now imagine driving that same road on a beautiful clear day. You can see all around you, you’re relaxed but alert and have a sense of peace and calmness knowing you’ll get to where you’re going.
The same is true with clutter in your life. The clutter is the fog you’re unable to see through and can stop you before you even get started. The clarity we all seek is the beautiful day that we know we can tackle anything that comes our way.
Create a life, home & workspace of clarity 🖤